Lemonade Stand

lemonade stand
Originally uploaded by telfandrea.

I was walking back from the subway yesterday afternoon and saw this lemonade stand across the street from our apartment. Of course I bought some – who can walk past a group of cute children running a lemonade stand without partaking? Proof that NYC is really not that different from anywhere else.

Telfer is getting over a bad cold and on Saturday, especially, felt rotten. We were supposed to all go to Molly's 30th birthday party in Prospect Park but quickly struck a deal: He stayed home with the baby while I went to the party.

Doesn't sound like a big deal? I was gone from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM…the longest I have been away from Cate since she's been born**. I had a good time at the park (Happy Birthday Molly!) and did a few Andrea things on the way there, namely, walked a whole lot (Central Park South, down 5th Ave to the NYPL). Telfer and Cate did fabulous; Telfer fed her lunch, put her down for a nap, and took a walk, all without me hovering and commenting on technique. Definitely valuable.

**I should clarify here: it's not that Telfer has been unwilling to stay with Cate, it's more of a breastfeeding issue. She just started to drink successfully out of a sippy cup and now I don't have to worry about her becoming dehydrated on these hot days. She's going to start whole milk in a sippy cup today!

Published by Andrea Y. Griffith

owner of browsers. former librarian. wife. mother to two tweens and the cutest labradoodle in the world.

3 thoughts on “Lemonade Stand

  1. So glad you were able to come!! But sorry that Telfer was sick, though. I didn’t realize that was such a big adventure for you to be away from Cate! And I feel very honored. 🙂
    Can we have you three over for a birthday brunch next Sunday?!


  2. Jeff calls those times for Mommy to “swing her arms.” Have you ever noticed that your hands are ALWAYS full when you’re a mom? So, there’s definitely some freedom to be had in going out without the baby and swinging your arms.


  3. That is a pretty big deal! Alyce is now hanging out with Austin while i make the bed and get ready for bed at night but thats about the longest I have left her so far!:)
    Alyce loves her sippy cups too! I have always heard though that babies are not supposed to have cows milk till they are a year old? I think it has to do with preventing allergies or something? Some thing to google anyway…


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