Scenes from the week

Well, more like scenes from the last ten days. Oh boy, I am here to tell you that puppies do not kid around. Finally though, I feel like we are settling into somewhat of a groove even though our new groove involves a lot of high-pitched barking and crying. The girls had to shout their highs and lows across the dinner table last night as George was not happy at all about being in his crate during dinner.

Telfer went to Dallas for a work conference for four days and for the first time ever, the girls were not my biggest challenge. They were sweet and kind and fun to be with. All three of us breathed a sigh of relief when we got into the car and went to see Frozen again in the theater. It was so nice to be dogless!

I realize I have made this bed but between the pooping (both dogs) and the barking and the nonsense, it was a very long four days. Let’s just say that I woke up several times to George chewing on my hair and I have also gone through a whole can of carpet cleaner. Crisis does have a way of providing clarity and I realized two things: George needs to be crate-trained and Henry needs a walk every day, no excuses. And now, three days in, everything has calmed down. Today I am working from home for half the day and after a nap in his crate, George is playing in my room with toys.

Of note: Telfer and I went snowshoeing at Mr. Rainier last week. It was such a beautiful, clear day. I love to snowshoe. When the girls are older, I am going to join a snowshoeing club and go on group outings. Generally, I dislike groups and group activities but I think showshoeing could be an exception. And yoga. But that’s it!

Also, I made madeleine’s last week for a play date and they were quite good. The girls and I even had them for breakfast the next morning. This time I only made a half batch of the the Martha Stewart recipe. I made the maple glaze but I didn’t add any maple syrup to the actual cookie. Sweet but definitely not too sweet.

Published by Andrea Y. Griffith

owner of browsers. former librarian. wife. mother to two tweens and the cutest labradoodle in the world.

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