Scooting along

mr. h

It's so beautiful here in October. Today I am going to run across the street and pick up a bunch of leaves that have fallen from the most beautiful tree you have ever seen. It's on State property so I don't think they will mind. We tend to view the State buildings across the street as an extension of our [very small] backyard. And we don't have to mow the lawn.

Our bathroom remodel is almost done. Telfer just needs to install the light fixture and I need to put everything back in the medicine cabinet when the paint finishes drying.  I'll put some pictures up tomorrow. Every time I walk by the bathroom I jump a little. It looks so clean. This is such a first world problem but I don't think we will do a major project with such little children again. Just coordinating nap schedules and beds to sleep in (upstairs, downstairs, Grammy's house) was quite the undertaking. Cate hates loud noises and guess what? Bathroom remodels thrive on loud noises! 

Today is the best kind of lazy day. The girls and I woke up and just played. I should vacuum and get ready to go on a few errands but it is so much nicer to sit by the fire (only on when Jane is napping – can you say 3rd degree burns?), drink coffee and dink around the computer while Cate plays. 

Published by Andrea Y. Griffith

owner of browsers. former librarian. wife. mother to two tweens and the cutest labradoodle in the world.

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