A Week Plus

So much to say again! We had a lovely, lovely, lovely time in Nampa last weekend for our 10-year-college reunion. I didn't take any pictures. Telfer took one: 


You can see my back! And Jayme Lenker and Bob Van Allen and I think Erin Van Allen's leg. Such a great photograph. Thankfully, RaChelle took lots of pictures and has a nice little synopsis over here. I am so blessed to call these people my friends. RaChelle is also very gracious because you will notice that Claire has a black eye — yeah, pretty sure Cate gave her that black eye. None of us were in the room so it's hard to say exactly what happened. But I have my suspicions.

Also, I got an NNU sweatshirt that I am wearing at this moment. Anna, at my request, made me the perfect apron. I love it. This is me with my apron on right before naptime (the girls', not mine). I put it on so I wouldnt' forget to ask Telfer to take my picture. This wasn't what I had in mind but hey.

apron-clad & exhausted

Yesterday we got to meet our first nephew. Why haven't I mentioned this? Yes, we finally, finally have a boy in one of our families! Reuben and I share a birthday (August 17) and he is a happy, squishy little guy. So great to finally meet him.


And then this is slightly nerdy but I am really excited about this. So I love Clorox disinfectant wipes and they are a permanent counter-dweller. Telfer tries to put them under the sink but I move them back up to the counter because I love them. 


Not that cute, right? So I asked a lovely Etsy seller, Di Nuovo, to make me a cozy to cover the container. She loved the idea and $15 later, this is what they look like:


How cute is this?? Cute!

And FINALLY, Cate and I went up to Seattle today to go see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. The theater is in Elizabeth's neighborhood so we met her and one of her friends for lunch before the show. Cate was in a rare cuddly mood so it was pretty much my perfect afternoon. Picture a crowded theater with parents and grandparents and many, many children under the age of five. It was kind of awesome. 

Seattle Trip Foofa & Cate @ Yo Gabba Gabba

Published by Andrea Y. Griffith

owner of browsers. former librarian. wife. mother to two tweens and the cutest labradoodle in the world.

3 thoughts on “A Week Plus

  1. Cate looks like she is at a rock concert holding up her lighter (only it’s some yo gabba gabba creature) . I love it. Glad you like your apron. Loved Loved Loved having you here.


  2. Love everything about this post – you and the apron are fabulous! I might just have to start buying Clorox wipes so I can have that cute cozy on my counter. And of course I love Cate, no matter what some may say about a certain incident in Nampa 🙂


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